Friday, January 8, 2010

Beside using a hair iron and going to a beauty parlor how can I straighten my hair?

I heard you can use gel or something.....if you can use gel can you explain step by step how to do it? And any other possible ways.

Thanks =DBeside using a hair iron and going to a beauty parlor how can I straighten my hair?
that guy is an idiot

there is a magic hair straightener

and it is called a reverse perm.

it is just like a perm but instead of using curlers and curling your hair, they make is straight.

you can buy DIY kits from priceline for about $50

or i bought one from swartscoff for $20

it last for a long time and the only time you have to redo it is when your hair grows (just like hair colour)

do not use this if you have bleached hair, it will make your hair fall out.Beside using a hair iron and going to a beauty parlor how can I straighten my hair?
it depends

how curly is your hair

if its just a little curly, simply dry with hair dryer and pull straight

or you could put a little gel in it and once the gel dries, kind of comb through it, should make it a little straighter

theres no amzing hair straightening formula

but iron is probably your best bet if you have really curly hair
You can comb it.

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