Saturday, December 26, 2009

Do you ever cry at the sheer beauty of life and its world?

To continue with my question.... ' and do you sometimes selfishly feel that you wished others should see the beauty as well '

It may be a person question, but please give a ruff answer.Do you ever cry at the sheer beauty of life and its world?
yes! I got to a youth Hostel in Lausanne, Switzerland and had the entire room to myself. Next morning I woke up and looked outside.


I had FINALLY GOTTEN TO SWITZERLAND!! After so MANY hardships, sacrifices, obstacles...

I started crying.Do you ever cry at the sheer beauty of life and its world?
I just asked a very similar question above. Yesterday I quoted a song about how the beauty of nature makes me envious because God can do that and I can't.

I appreciate the awesomeness of creation, but my reaction is unfortunately of the negative (jealous) variety. So looking at nature gives me a creepy feeling and darkens my mood.

I'm a city boy. Sky scrapers are my ';sheer beauty.';
Yes, sometimes...not too often though. :)

And don't think it's selfish to want others to feel or see the same as you do, especially when it takes them to God or reveals God TO them. The beauty of life, in life, is to be shared with others. Not kept for ourselves. I don't think God gave us the world to try to humbly embrace it by ourselves! And I thank Him for that. If you feel overwhelmed at times of the beauty you've come to realize, stay in the grace of thanksgiving and when you are composed to show yourself to someone, then show them too, share it.

God bless+
Why yes I do. The first time I saw Washington State and Oregon I was moved by the pristine beauty. Sometimes I am deeply moved just by the vast beauty of the sky or the sea. It is overwhelming how wonderful and breathtakingly beautiful our planet is. It amazes me how some people can see this world and still doubt God.
Yes I cry looking at the sky and the trees, just how the sky is so blue and the trees are so green and when the warm suns rays beam down upon me. And then I think about God and just how only he could create something so beautiful like the earth, and it makes me cry but it makes me happy too.
Cry? Not really. But I can be silenced by it. Just stop what I'm doing and watch.

And I think to want people to see the beauty as well isn't selfish. It might be arrogant to presume others don't see it, but I see it as positive to think of others.
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