Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Where can I find free beauty samples online?

Where can I find free samples of beauty products online? I don't want any websites where you have to sign up for surveys and buy this and that and subscribe to 10 things. I want FREE, 100% free, no participation required, beauty samples. Face care, moisturizes, makeup...anything. These websites are driving me crazy. Help is appreciated. Thanks.Where can I find free beauty samples online?
Have you checked out ? Ton's of those girl samples...

It has a ton of samples of all types. The descriptions are really funny too. They don't make you fill out any offers or surveys (which is nice). You can sign up to get the free samples in your e-mail, but it is not required to get the samples...

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!Where can I find free beauty samples online?
If you are in the UK then you could try This is a top web site for saving money and has hundreds of links to free samples and freebies including lots of free offers for beauty samples and freebies. Report Abuse, then you click the subject such as beauty, baby, etc.....and fill out the info and they send you samples for free! I just got three samples of dove lotion and body gel, and a free lysol spray and 2 free cans of infamil baby food! No charges for shipping or anything. check it out!
ive never seen any that are free and safe ive seen free ones but never a trusted website i think you sould go to a makeup website and read reveiws and ones with good reveiws invest your money and buy them
just ask at the beauty counters in shops for samplers.they will give u some because ,they think if u like the product then u may buy it.
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