Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Why can women be true about her beauty instead wear all that thick make up on their face?

i don't wear make up. just black eyebrow lashes and black eyebrow pencil on the eyelids. lipgross. I know it is part of make up. do you wear makeup to impress someone or yourself?Why can women be true about her beauty instead wear all that thick make up on their face?
Why do you wear makeup? You sound like a hypocrite. Why can't you just let people be. You look a bit overweight in that picture. Maybe you should worry about losing some weight. ...just my opinion.

Edited to add: I see you changed your picture. LMAO. And as for Candygurl, I bet you're the poster under another alias. I say it as it is. Why come on a makeup forum asking why women can't be true to themselves and in the same sentence say how you wear makeup? Get a life. That does reek of hypocrite to me.Why can women be true about her beauty instead wear all that thick make up on their face?
I wear make up because I like to feel good about myself, I like the way it looks. Like most of the others that have replied, it's about feeling good about myself for me, not for other people. I wouldn't wear it the way I do if it were for others.
i dont wear much. i only wear mascara, foundation, and light (very light!) eyeliner sometimes. i do use it for my self confidence, and cuz i guess its nice for guys to notice you.
because some women aren't self confident. or if not thats just there custom or how they were brought up

i just dont know

i answered this cause i was bored ;)
i wear make-up to enhance my natrual features

i wear eyeliner and eyeshadow a lil brown and some shine/sparkels in a natrual colors

then i wear minelals on my face and the skin clearing co ver-up if neccasary

i wear lipgloss 2
i wear makeup to make my eyes look prettier

i've a don't wear mascara or eyeliner because my eyes are dark it makes me look ill if i don't put it on !

... also i just wear lipgloss to make my lips smoother
i wear make up, but not to impress anyone

it helps hide things im insecure about, makes me feel abit better about myself
I'm impressed with your spelling and grammar. Lipgross?

I wear eyeliner and mascara to enhance my eyes. I wear blush because my face is pale and I like to see a little color in it. I wear lip GLOSS or lipstick because my lips are also pale and they look so much better with some color.

Everything I do, I do it because I like to look good.....for me.
I like to wear natural looking makeup because I think I look better with it. However, I am not embarassed by the way I look without it. I just like to even out my complexion and enhance my natural beauty. I also have very pale skin and look kind of dead without blush. I do agree that some women go to far and wear waaaay too much. That is usually some underlying self-esteem issue.

For most women though, just want to improve themselves a little. If we all had perfect glowing skin, thick lashes and pink lips, we would probably wear makeup a lot less.
I wear makeup for myself.

I don't wear makeup to be ';pretty';, I wear it to look like art. Not everyone cares if you judge their natural beauty, and some love their faces enough to experiment with it and still feel comfortable.
I wear makeup to make me look even better than i already look like =] (not being bigheaded or anything) but i also wear it to impress other people i realy care about what people think of me so if i look good on the outside then they want to know how i am on the inside =]

as for X GT, what is your problem? she is trying to get answer and she did not even insult anyone. who in the hell you calling overweight? you don't even know how she looks now. look at yourself, you are the one who is hypocrite and judge how she weight. for the last comment, stop being a damn mean as ***** and u got a lot ugly going on inside you.

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