Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What are my best features. I just want to know why men are just obsessed with my beauty?

How does a pretty girl like me withstand all the advances by horny desparate men. I mean every time I walk in a crowd of men they run away really fast. I think they are running away to fight each other to see who gets to have me. There couldnt be any other reason. I am just glad I wasnt born ugly and I am blessed with my body and face.What are my best features. I just want to know why men are just obsessed with my beauty?
Well, obviously your inner confidence and charisma are glowing through! Everyone knows that's the secret to true beauty. You are also so sweet, well-groomed, intelligent and charming hardly anyone notices those meth zits.

You go, girl!What are my best features. I just want to know why men are just obsessed with my beauty?
Hmm, I think men are easily intimidated by pretty woman, such as ourselves. I think you should just try to be more approachable. Want to be friends?
EWWWWWWWWW! Don't mean to be blunt but are u obsessed with yourself or something. Is your boyfriend blind?
Beauty is from the inside . Some men are not lucky enough 2 see that .To me u are happy with what God gave u ./u just need 2 get a chance 2 let it shine. It is the guys lose not ur's

I honestly have to say I wouldn't want to touch you - there's no reason anyone should - I mean why mess with such perfection.

I think the only improvement I'd suggest, if anything would be perhaps a nice mullett with a really crazy short,short fringe - it would really bring out your eyes.

I'm sure they're fighting to get out the door when they see you also - it's because they want to have an old fashioned style rumble to see who wins you as their queen. And if they get in their cars and drive away really fast, it's only because they're racing home to get their mamas to bring back and introduce to the new love of their lives - and just remember, if they don't return it's cause they're smitten with lust and love and also because they forgot to write down where they saw you and we all know males hate to stop and ask for directions or try to read maps.

Much love, Meg
You already made the statement, what could I say?
you are fine miss thang and you know it........gimme some of your beauty secrets
I think your greatest feature is your strong grasp on reality. Nothing better than a woman who knows herself and sees things as they are.
I like your eyes, they keep me from looking at the rest of you.
oh your bf is soooooooooo lucky LOL
from what i am looking at; i would probably have to say ur best feature is ur grill. look like u could possibly open a can or something with it. the guys are probably obsessed with u cause u could be placed in any section of a haunted house and still scare the sh it out of the customers. on a serious note if u honestly think u were not born ugly then i wasn't born black
oh girl! I'd say it must be a little of everything ..,,like the unibrow it is so unique most girls have 2 brows and u have one big one, see the word uni in unique and in unibrow..what more can I say about that .... then you have that shiney blonde hair, I mean it must take u weeks of not washin' it to get that naturally oily look, which shows the commitment you have to lookin' good....and your teeth are straight and such a bright shade of yellow, and you know guys like the color yellow, not to mension they double as a can opener/bottle opener, so your men can have you pop open their Budweiser !! I imagine your womanly scent is......um......quite something, seeing as how you use feminine wipes.....over and over again = ) not to mension how creatively conservative that is! so, we know you are a money saver in that sense. what man could say no to u....none! way to go chick ...by the way I do agree that a short mullet would be a wonderful accent to your features.
Without a doubt your best feature is your sense of humor.
Judging from your picture... You must be outta yo monkey mind!!!
Your a PIMP!! Say it loud and proud. Just dont say it and spray it!!
Hmm...looks to me like you just fell out of the ugly tree and got smacked by every branch on the way down.

Still at least you still have your self esteem.......
';git over it gurl,

dem fellas are headin' fer the hills,

when yur standin' on yer head

that unibrow looks like

Uncle Elmer's mustache.';

Well, I would never have sex with you, but I do know a cute pitbull that would probably mount you for the price of a can of dog food. HA HA HA HA HA HA
You truly are delusional!!!! In one question, every woman you meet turns bi-sexual at the sight of you; now you tell us that men trample and fight each other to ';have'; you.

The men aren't desperate - you are!
What happened to Cornfunkle? Is she gone for good?
Just one word...';wow!';
Men aren't obssessed with your beauty. Get over yourself you vain little girl. Mirror mirror on the wall who's the fattest porker of them all? YOU!!!
ur at the pinnacle of a mediocre life! bless ur heart child!

now go kiss stinky.
You're one hot chick - 100% woman - unless you're swinging a bat and a couple of balls!
do you really look like that? please tell me you don't look like that...

coz' if you do..girl..get over it...you know you're not the hot girl who men fall head over heels when they see you...but you're not ugly..no one can tell you you're ugly just because of how you look...everyone is beautiful in their own special way....maybe no one sees that but you should make them see...not go around acting like you don't know how you really look like physically....i know you do..but sometimes the truth hurts but its for your own good....look in the mirror...tell me what you see....is that a pretty girl looking back at you?...maybe not so.....but you shouldnt let that bring you down..so what? God didnt give you a nice beautiful face and a body to die for....he gave you a brain..use it...stop feeling all pretty.....and men do not run away really fast to fight who gets you.....they fight so they don't get you......i'm sorry but i'm saying the truth.....but someday you'll find that guy who doesnt care what you look like...and only cares of who you are and not how you look like....you may think i'm in the same situation but sorry girl..i'm not...i was blessed with a face pretty

enough for me and beautiful for some...my body's slim....and i don't think men fight over me..they don't walk away from me either....and besides my bf is not a jerk unlike most guys....

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