Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Why are breast implants allowed in beauty pageants?

In the controversy surrounding Miss California, it was recently revealed that she had breast implants. Does anyone else think this is wrong? If implants are allowed, aren't we just judging who had the best plastic surgeon? Please, someone give me a compelling reason why plastic surgery should be allowed in beauty pageants.Why are breast implants allowed in beauty pageants?
They are allowed for the same reasons they allow false eyelashes, wigs, body glitter, false nails, false teeth (for pre teens), botox injections, spray tanning. There is nothing real about beauty pageants.Why are breast implants allowed in beauty pageants?
I don't understand it. When I first saw Miss California, I could tell right away that she had gotten breast implants. She had the tell-tale gap down the middle of her chest plus I could see the outlines of the implants at the tops of her breasts. Breast implants just don't look natural and I'm not sure they should be allowed in beauty pageants since the women are supposed to be judged for having natural beauty, not plastic surgery enhancements.
I find it kind of splitting hairs to say that there is a contest that is superficial as it is based on how someone looks, then suddenly say, let's not have fake breasts to match the fake tan because that takes away the fairness. Look it's a contest on how someone looks and can answer questions they've drilled a million times. There isn't anything particularly real about it, except for when someone slips or says something stupid. If you're going to start making restrictions on plastic surgery, then why not do a beauty pageant that doesn't have makeup? Let's real it up. Maybe we can do a mix of American Gladiators/Miss America competition. At least then, I'd watch.
I think the real question should be: why are beauty pageants allowed? Put a nail in the coffin already - no one watches, no one cares, it's an incredibly sexist and demeaning institution that treats women like meat.

Why is anyone surprised Miss California had implants? Who on that stage didn't? That contest is all about who has the best surgeon, the best peroxide specialist, the best weight trainer, the best's all money.

They pour all of this money into turning young women into show ponies, and then are surprised when the women say stupid things like ';opposite marriage.';
Because breast size is very often correlated with sexual allure in humans, and our society very obviously draws a strong correlation between sexual allure and human beauty.

They're not called ';natural beauty contests,'; after all (imagine the state of modeling if bodily modifications were illegal - and remember that shaving is a bodily modification).
Dior is f*cking rude... don't answer if not relevant to u. Or go around and say that to 99 thousand answers u think the same about... dumb dumb.


It's a sad day to me that women have resorted to implants to ';feel'; confident. I'm gonna go get a super budge in my pants and start knocking things over when I walk around. Maybe I'll feel more like a man.

I love natural boobs. Small, large droopy tight. If I LOVE a women it doesn't matter.

Don't risk your health for fake attention and you are gonna attract the wrong kind of guy. That's like me flashing my bank account hoping to meet a great girl.
jeez..i'd bet the vast majority of pageanters have had booby implants..among OTHER plastic surgery procedures

my goddess..the whole concept of beauty pageants objectifies the f**k are u surprised about any plastic surgery?

EDIT: damn rio..i see why you're a top contributor
They're not beauty pageants so much as conformity pageants. This is more evident in contests involving four- and five-year-olds, but it's the same. If you best match the prototypical ';pageant look,'; no matter how you accomplish it, you win.
They should be allowed, just because it would be pretty crummy to disqualify a woman who had had implants for a while.

Personally, I think the majority of implants look ridiculous. Like having two tupperware jellyfish on your chest... yikes.
Rio is right, these are pageants of conformity, not beauty. I don't care about them overly much, except to say that their definition of beauty appears to be a fairly narrow one
Beauty pageants are stupid anyway and is just another way for women to be literally judged. The contestants also can't be married or have any children. It's just dumb.
Because plastic jugs are beeyootiful.
Nobody would watch otherwise.
who cares? I find beauty pagents largely irrelevant
I don't care for beauty pageants so I don't really care what they do.
Because this is Amurrica, and that's what most men like, I suppose. It's almost irritating to me.
yer man good point i mean i wouldn't want any thing to be false or shallow in a beauty pegeant

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