Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What's the difference between sexual beauty and womanly beauty?

How can a boy in 18-year modify it(HIgh)s desire puffed from web surfing? Mean lots of internet sex-material...include difference between sexual/desire/lust/beauty/art/mixing 1 or 2 more...What's the difference between sexual beauty and womanly beauty?
Womanly beauty - FEMININE, gentle, innocent looking, modest.

Sexual beauty - hmm women making lusty poses %26amp; facial expressions, attention seeking, problemed women.. no woman gets into porn unless she has problems.What's the difference between sexual beauty and womanly beauty?
i guess sexual beauty is when the girl looks like a slut ..

womanly beauty when the girl has fine figures
no woman gets into porn unless she has problems..WHAT A LOAD OF BS youve got to be joking...sounds like someone is not happy with herself otherwise you would have answered the question directly other than 2 point your finger and make judgement!!!!
sexual beauty = megan fox

womanly beauty = cate blanchett
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